Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture in London
Complementary Therapy
May help with
Dark circles
Dull skin
Skin problem
Low mood
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture (or facial rejuvenation acupuncture) is a natural, holistic, and comprehensive skin rejuvenation treatment designed to restore, refresh and revitalise.
Ultra-thin needles are inserted into particular places on the face, head, and torso as part of the treatment. The skin's fibres are strengthened, the facial muscles are relaxed, and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin is increased.
-Increases local blood and lymph circulation, which helps to relieve oedema and puffiness and decreases sagging.
-removes fine lines and wrinkles and minimises deeper wrinkles
-improves collagen production, facial colour, and brightness by treating hyperpigmentation, sun-damaged skin, and scars.
-decreases stress and boosts self-esteem; cures face ailments including Bell's palsy and TMJ.
-aids stroke victims in reviving their entire body
Treatment Preparation:
Makeup should not be worn to the treatment sessions. Your skin should be free of impurities. One hour before the treatments, avoid saunas, hot tubs, or hot showers.
Do not apply sunscreen prior to the treatments, but do apply it afterward.
-migraine patients
-pregnant women
-women trying to conceive
-people who have had botox or comparable injections in the last 4 months
-people who have bruising or bleeding disorders
-those who have an active cold, an active allergy, or an acute herpes outbreak
LED, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the therapeutic application of certain wavelengths of light energy to tissue for a number of diseases, including skin and pain.
The absorbed energy is subsequently put to good use in the cells.
-Collagen and elastin production is boosted.
-Skin elasticity and suppleness are improved.
-Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced.
-Acne germs are killed, and existing outbreaks are cleared. -Reduces irritation and oil production while improving skin texture.
-Prevents breakouts in the future without causing irritation.
-Eczema and psoriasis sufferers would appreciate this UV-free option.
-Improves blood circulation, allowing nutrients to reach the skin and toxins to be removed.
-Increases local blood and lymph circulation, which helps to relieve edoema and puffiness and decreases sagging.
-removes fine lines and wrinkles and minimises deeper wrinkles
-improves collagen production, facial colour, and brightness by treating hyperpigmentation, sun-damaged skin, and scars.
-decreases stress and boosts self-esteem; cures face ailments including Bell's palsy and TMJ.
-aids stroke victims in reviving their entire body
For best results, we recommended a minimum course of 6 to 10 weekly treatments
Treatment Preparation:
Makeup should not be worn to the treatment sessions. Your skin should be free of impurities. One hour before the treatments, avoid saunas, hot tubs, or hot showers.
Do not apply sunscreen prior to the treatments, but do apply it afterward.
-migraine patients
-pregnant women
-women trying to conceive
-people who have had botox or comparable injections in the last 4 months
-people who have bruising or bleeding disorders
-those who have an active cold, an active allergy, or an acute herpes outbreak
This treatment is offered by: