Deep Tissue Massage
Advanced Bodywork, Complementary Therapy
May help with
Low mood
Low energy
Muscle pain
Stiff joints
Poor circulation
Deep Tissue Massage Services in London
Holistic massage is all about relaxation. The Massage therapist uses a massage oil or wax to apply long, smooth strokes along the muscles. They will also use kneading and compression movements to loosen tight and bound muscles.
The treatment is very rhythmic and soothing, it is also designed to help calm the body and mind. It relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility, reduces stiff joints and boosts circulation. It is particularly suited to anyone suffering from stress as it helps lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol.
Deep tissue massage is very similar to Holistic Massage, using massage oil or wax, and starting with rhythmic, long strokes. The main difference comes when areas of particular tension and strain are found. The therapists will then use specialist techniques to concentrate on the deeper layers of muscle to release these knots and stuck muscles.
Deep Tissue Massage is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, lower back tightness and sore shoulders. Unlike Holistic Massage, which is used for relaxation, deep tissue massage usually focuses on specific problem areas. It is often beneficial to concentrate on one area for the majority of the treatment time.
What to expect:
A typical treatment can be between 30 to 90 minutes long. A minimum of 60 minutes is recommended for the first treatment and for the best outcome for pain or relaxation. 30 minute treatments are good for a "top up" between treatments or for a lunch time "pick me up"
The first treatment will begin with a brief consultation and review of symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle.
You will be asked to undress (most people keep their underwear on) while the massage therapist is out of the room and lie down under a sheet on a padded massage table.
A deep tissue massage will follow a routine of massaging the back of the legs, back, shoulders, neck, upper chest, arms, abdomen (optional) and front of legs (to mid thigh).
Treatment is advised. 90 minute A Deep Tissue massage will generally concentrate on a smaller grouping of these areas.
This treatment is offered by: